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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Baby Care

Do infants need water?

According to the USDA, the answer is an emphatic no! Water under six months can choke the infant and in some cases cause water intoxication. An infant cannot swallow plain water properly. It is too thin and the infant’s swallowing muscles are not developed. Breast milk and formula are the only foods and drinks that infants need.

Baby Care:

Baby care tips come from all around when you have a new infant, and some sources are better for you to listen to than others. When it comes to taking care of your child, you want to do what is best for him or her. Remember to listen to your intuition, and to listen to your baby’s cues. Aside from that, you may need a little help understanding when to take a tip as gospel and when to look into it further. For more advice on sorting through baby care tips, read the list below and consult a pediatrician.

Remember that it is more important to find what works for you and your baby than to follow everyone’s advice all the time. You are going to be bombarded with new baby advice, so take everything with a grain of salt. One piece of advice you can totally ignore is, “Don’t hold the baby too much, you will spoil him.” There is no possible way to spoil an infant. Love your baby, touch your baby, and hold your baby. The infant cannot understand words yet, so the only real language between you and your infant is touch. Use it to show your love and nurture your baby.


How to Lose 20 Pounds of Fat in One Month without Exercise

Often we vow to lose 20 pounds before a special occasion, only to find the date crept up on us and the pounds are still there. As a last-minutes resort, it is possible to lose 20 pounds in one month without exercising. While one does need to err on the side of caution when employing any kind of crush diet in order to not immediately regain the weight, by following these steps it is quite possible to rapidly lose those pesky 20 pounds.

Things you'll need:

*Low calorie foods
*L- carnitine supplement
*L-glutamine Supplement

Saturday, November 21, 2015

12 Harmful Skin Care Ingredients

"Knows what's in your cream to protect in your healthy and beautiful skin"

You put one skin cream on to hydrate, another to tone and a last one to clean or prevent wrinkles. But what are the skin care ingredients you're slathering on your face? Are they safe? Because the skin is a direct line to the bloodstream, it's important to know what you're using. We've listed 12 common skin care ingredients, the risks they may pose and healthful alternatives to try...

From moisturizer to bleaching cream, most women have a bathroom drawer full of lotions and potions designed to make them look youthful and refreshed.

But what’s really in those skin care products? A glance at the confusing, unpronounceable ingredients on labels offers no clues. What are those chemicals, and could they hurt your health?
Women should be careful because the skin is our largest organ, so some chemicals can enter the bloodstream almost instantly.

“It’s important to know what you’re using,” says Margaret Lewin, M.D., clinical assistant professor of medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York City, and medical director of Cinergy Health, an insurance benefits provider. “Skin products are medications.”

A one-time application probably won’t harm you, but bad effects can build up after years of exposure, says Lisa Benest, M.D., of Lisa Benest M.D. Skin Care and Laser Center in Los Angeles.

“What you put on your skin plays a role in your overall health,” she says.

New record in guiness world about the scenes video: The largest arcade mechine

Jason Camberis from chicago, 44, made new record in 20th November, 2015

For this he spent about 2 years building this hugely fascinating arcade machine that measures a striking 4.41m tall, 1.06m deep and has a 2m long screen (80 inch).
And its taller than a fully grown African elephant and could fit the similar of 112 bath tubs of water. This 44 years old creator wanted to remind the people about the classic arcade machines and video-games his creation has a good range of games with over 250 of the classics as well as enduring game favorite: PACMAN.
Jason says, after playing it a adult people feels like a little kid again, and it is big enough to make adult players.
When we asked why he embarked on the project, Jason explains: “I wanted to bring joy and happiness to people, and my arcade machine certainly makes people smile. My wife wonders what I will do next but I already have a plan!”

Friday, November 20, 2015

Karen Aydt and Dave O’Connell observe life in Paris after terrorist attacks

"We are not afraid," said the couple 

"not afraid"

Karen Aydt and Dave O’Connell of Gladwyne were traveling in Greece, with plans to fly to Paris for a four-day visit, when news of the terrorist attacks in France’s capital city rocked the world.

Aydt a former president of the Gladwyne Civic Association wrote about what happened next and what the couple has observed since they continued on that journey.

Standing near the Eiffel Tower, Aydt holds up a sign. It reads: “Not afraid.”A photo Aydt posted on Facebook last weekend expressed not only her view, but the stance of many in France since the night of Nov. 13. 2015.